3rd Annual Arab Jr High Beta Club 5K
Sub-events Details
3rd Annual Arab Jr Beta Club 5K
Location: Arab City Park Official Course
Packet Pick-Up Times: Friday, April 25 at the Arab Jr High School *Time to be announced* or Saturday, April 26 before the Race.
Start Time: 8:00 am CDT
Runner Awards: Will start at 10 a.m. CDT
End Time: 10:30 am CDT
Price: $35.00 Race Fee with T-shirt included if signed up before April 1.
Registration: Price increases to $50.00 after April 1, 2025, at 11:59 pm CDT
Description: Thanks for your interest! Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about the 3rd Annual Jr Beta 5K Run. Don't see the answer you are looking for? Contact us at jamie@litchfordfamily.com or call/text at (256) 975-8640.
Race Route Image – TBD
What are the race times?
The 3rd annual 5K starts at 8:00 a.m.
Runner Awards will start at 10 a.m.
When and where do I pick up my T-shirt and race day information?
Packet Pick-Up: Pick up packets on Friday, April 25, at the Arab Jr High School - Time to be announced, and Saturday, April 26, before Run time.
Are strollers/baby joggers allowed on the course?
For the safety of your child and the other participants, we strongly discourage using strollers and/or baby joggers. All participants who risk using strollers/baby joggers will be directed to the back of the race lineup for the safety of that child and other participants.
Note: Skateboards and bikes are NOT permitted on race day.
Can I switch my registration from one runner to another?
No, we have a no-transfer policy. The registration data associated with your bib number must belong to you, the registered participant.
Are refunds available?
No, we have a no refund policy for the 3rd Annual Arab Jr High Beta 5K Run.
Can I make a donation and not run? A donation button will be available on the signup website.