36th Annual Bike Ride Across Scenic Sumner

36th Annual Bike Ride Across Scenic Sumner

Hendersonville, TN
Jul 19, 2025

Sub-events Details

Cycling-12.5K- 25K - 50k - 100k - Individual Age group/open

Jul 19, 2025 (Sat)
5:00 AM
in person

Cycling-12.5K- 25K - 50k - 100k - Family Rates (3 Family Member Maximum)

Jul 19, 2025 (Sat)
5:00 AM
in person

Cycling-12.5K- 25K - 50k - 100k - Family Rate (4 Family Member Maximum)

Jul 19, 2025 (Sat)
5:00 AM
in person

Cycling-12.5K- 25K - 50k - 100k - Family Rate ( 5 Family Member Maximum)

Jul 19, 2025 (Sat)
5:00 AM
in person

Event details

Come choose between four different rides to see beautiful Sumner County supporting Sumner County Charities. Start Times for the events are:

7:00am for the 50K/100K Ride

7:05am for the 25K Ride

7:05am for the 12.5K Ride

There are 3 rest stops on the 100K, 1 on the 50K and one on 25K. They are equally spaced and have Water, & Gatorade, the 50 & 100K rest stops have Bananas, Pickles, PBJ Sandwiches and Porta Poties. They are spaced 16-20 miles apart on the route.

If you have any questions contact Paul Dana



Bike Routes (Click on Route for Map View)

100K (Yellow Road Markings) https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47394031

50K (Green Road Markings) https://ridewithgps.com/routes/43034203

25k ( White Road Markings) https://ridewithgps.com/routes/42670464

12.5k (Red Road Markings) https://ridewithgps.com/routes/45261228


Advanced Registration and Fees if registered by Friday 1 week prior to event.

  • 25k:
    • $40/person,
    • $90/family (limit 3 family members)
    • $100/ family ( limit 4 family members)
    • $110/ family ( limit 5 family members)
  • 50k/100k:
    • $40.00/person
    • $90/family (limit 3 family members)
    • $100/ family ( limit 4 family members)
    • $110/ family ( limit 5 family members)
  • Registration fee if registered byJuly 11 2025


NOTE: T-shirt guaranteed for advanced registrants

Race Day or Late Registration and Fees:   Registration on Race Day will be held at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church on Stop Thirty Road from 6:15 to 7:00 a.m.   Fees are (Cash and Checks only).


  • 25k:
    • $50/person
    • $105/family (limit 3 family members)
  • 50k/100k:
    • $50/person
    • $105/family (limit 3 family members)
    • $115/family ( limit 4 family members)
    • $115/ family ( limit 5 family members)


NOTE: T-shirt available ONLY as supply lasts for Race Day or Late Registration

Event details and schedule

Vehicular traffic will be on all roads, so please ride safely by observing the following SAFETY RULES:  25K (White Road Markings); 50K (Green Road Markings); 100K (Yellow Road Markings):

1.A Snellor A.N.S.I.approved helmet is required.

2.Do not attempt trips that are beyond your capabilities.

3.Be sure your bicycle is the right size for you and keep it in good repair, checking for loose and worn parts regularly.

4.Persons riding upon a roadway shall not ride more than two abreast and shall not impede the normal and reasonable flow of traffic.

5.Ride on the right-hand side of the road.

6.Obey all traffic signs and signals.

7.Pass by cyclists on left side only.

8.Signal all turns well in advance; keep both hands on your handlebars when executing a turn.

9.When riding during periods of rain, remember that water adversely affects stopping, turning & stability.

10.Never ride at night without proper lights and reflectors.

11.No stereo headphones are permitted to be used while riding.

12.Ride defensively and in a predictable manner.   Stay alert.   The bicycle always loses in a conflict with a car.

13.Never stop on the pavement when experiencing mechanical problems or fatigue.   Pull to the shoulder of the road.

14.Establish eye contact with drivers around you and be sure they are always aware of your presence.

15.Wear bright clothing for visibility.   Avoid loose fitting clothes that might get caught in the spokes or chain.

16.Watch out for speeding drivers.

17.Before starting mountain descents or long steep downgrades, make sure your brake, cables, tires and wheels are in good condition and your load is secure.

18.Be courteous to other drivers.   Keep traffic flowing by helping them pass you in a safe manner.

19.Never kick at dogs if they chase you .Use your water bottle to frighten them.



1.Make sure that water bottles are full of fresh water.

2.Drink plenty of liquids to replenish lost body fluids.   Juices will replace lost potassium.

3.Wetting your T-shirt will cool your body effectively on hot days.

4.To prevent muscle spasms, do stretching exercises or

     knee bends before starting out.


Directions:Hendersonville is 18 miles NE of Nashville.

  1. Take I-65 north to Vietnam Veterans Blvd (386 Exit 95)

  2. Take Exit 7Indian Lake Blvd.

  3. Turn left and then take the first right turn on Stop Thirty Rd.

  4. The Church is 2 tenths upon the right handside.

Price starting at:
