2024 3-Mile Walk/Run @ Chrisman Cow Chip Classic Cross Country Invitational

2024 3-Mile Walk/Run @ Chrisman Cow Chip Classic Cross Country Invitational

Chrisman, IL
2024-09-07 05:00:00

Sub-events Details

Running-3 Mile - Individual Age group/open

Sep 07, 2024 (Sat)
5:00 AM
Run only
in person

Event details

The 3-mile cross country run/walk at the Cow Chip Classic will be held on a grass cross country course, with rolling hills, behind the high school building. This is the same course that the high school runners will run on.

Look for the check-in table near the Northwest corner of the red brick school building. We will be set up in the large garage area, closest to the cow pasture (the furthest corner of the school away from the highway).

Check-in will open at 7AM and close at 7:45AM. 

The walk/run for the public will start at 8AM.



The Chrisman Cow Chip Classic Cross Country Meet has been in existence for over 40 years! Chrisman's home cross country course is behind the school and in part of a cow pasture - hence the fun name for the annual meet. We do our best to pick up all of the "cow chips" before the race starts, and all of the cows are put away in the barn so that humans and cows never find themselves nose to nose in the middle of the course!

The high school meet is one of, if not the only, FLIGHTED cross country race in the state of Illinois. What does that mean? All of the runners of the same "rank" in pecking order on their respective teams race against each other. So, all of the #7 ranked runners on each team will race against each other first. Next up, all of the #6 ranked runners on each team will race against each other, and so on. This race is a student-athlete favorite not only because of the unique way that the runners compete against each other, but also because of the fun name. The rolling hills on the course also make it a little more interesting as compared to most other courses in the area.

Event details and schedule

Please be sure to check in with us by 7:45AM on the day of the race. Check-in will close promptly at 7:45AM so that we can prepare for the race start at 8AM.

Please stay well-hydrated, before the race. We will have water at the finish line. It will likely be hot and humid, despite the 8AM start time. Due to the grassy terrain, there will not be any water or sports drink handed out along the course. Dogs, bicyclists and baby strollers/joggers are not allowed to be with participants during the run/walk.

There is ample parking on the East and North sides of the school. 

Check-in will be on the Northwest corner of the school. Look for the open large overhead door and the registration tables set up in front of it.