2023 Winter Wonder Run at Institute Woods
Sub-events Details
Runners - visit winter6k.com - Runners - visit winter6k.com
Runners - visit winter6k.com - Runners - visit winter6k.com
Crew - 2023 December 2
Crew - Crew
Come out for a 6K Run through the beautiful Institute Woods. Start time: 10 AM.
Preregister. Limited to 200 Participants.
Chip timing by Split Second Racing
Please check http://winter6k.com for updates,
ENTRY: (online processing fees are approximate)
Through 22 days prior online only: $33+$2.80 fee includes T-shirt.
From 21 days prior to 72 hours prior online only: $38+3.10 fee remainder T-shirt if available
Within 72 hours, no promises. We try to keep online open as late as possible. We need some time to do the data entry.
Preregistration encouraged. If we can do it, sign up at the event will be $55 ($51 + fee). We have certain hard cut-offs for the timing crew. Credit card only, no cash.
Safety items: Please do not bring bets. No strollers or personal audio devices on the course.
Course and Event Description:
The course is on maintained natural-surface trails in the Institute Woods. The event is open to all skill levels, including those who wish to walk the course.
Post-run refreshments provided!
time: 8:45 AM - 9:45 AM
Runners start: 10:00 AM
**Walkers are welcome at this event. Course sweep consistent with runners on 15 minute per mile pace from main start. Participants expecting to take longer than 55 minutes for the 6K, about 3.75 miles, should inquire about arrangements for a non-scoring early start.