2023 Mountain Lakes Trail Run & Walk

2023 Mountain Lakes Trail Run & Walk

Princeton, NJ
Sep 23, 2023

Sub-events Details

Mountain Lakes Crew 9/23/23 - Crew

Sep 23, 2023 (Sat)
12:00 AM
Trail Race
in person

Runners visit princetonac.org - Special VIP waivers only

Sep 23, 2023 (Sat)
12:00 AM
Trail Race
in person

Event details

Come out for a 5K+ Run and Walk through Mountain Lakes Preserve. Start time: 9 AM.


This event benefits Friends of Princeton Open Space (FOPOS).


Please check http://princetonac.org/events/mountain-lakes-run-and-walk for full information and updates.


ENTRY:  Runner registration visit http://princetonac.org/mountain-laikes-trail-run-and-walk

This page is for Sponsor VIP waivers and event crew registration.

Through 22 days prior online only: $33+online fee includes T-shirt.  

Three weeks to 72 hours prior online only: $38+online fee T-shirt if available.

Within 72 hours, no promises.  We try to keep online open as late as possible.  The chip timers need to do the data entry.


Preregistration encouraged.  If we can do it, sign up at the event will be $48+fee, credit card only.  We have certain hard cut-offs for the chip timing.


Preregister.  Limited to 150 Participants.


Course and Event Description:

A low-key trail run and walk. Awards for top performers, post-event refreshments for all.


5K+ trail course comprising about 10% paved park trail, 30% unimproved service right-of-ways and 60% single track including moderately technical rocks, roots, logs, and whatever else nature has wrought in the woods.


Event timing may end at 55 minutes. Walk event is not an officiated competitive race walk.



Pets, strollers, personal audio devices are prohibited. Due to the technical nature of the trail, parents should carefully consider whether this event is appropriate for their children.



Post-run refreshments provided!


Event details and schedule

time: 8 AM - 8:45 AM

Start: 9:00 AM