2021 Virtual 5K Walk/Run for Autism
Sub-events Details
Virtual Runner/Walker
Join us for QSAC's 2021 Virtual 5K Walk/Run for Autism! This year's 5K will once again be virtual. We hope that you will join us as we work to raise funds in support of our programs for children and adults with autism.
Share Pictures and Videos of You and Your Team!
While we are unable to gather in person this year, we encourage you to help us celebrate the annual event by sharing your pictures and videos of you completing a walk, run, or other exercise activity. You can share the images and videos on your personal or team page. To share video, you will first need to upload it to YouTube or Facebook and then insert the URL (web address) on your page. If you would like, you may also email your photos and videos to creative@qsac.com.