15th Annual Rudolph Run 10k Run, 5k Walk/Run

15th Annual Rudolph Run 10k Run, 5k Walk/Run

Pontotoc, MS
Dec 14, 2024

Sub-events Details

15th Annual Rudolph Run 10k Run, 5k Walk/Run

Dec 14, 2024 (Sat)
8:30 AM
in person

Event details

Race will begin and end at the Pontotoc Dixie Regional Library parking lot, with bathroom use at the Pontotoc Chamber of Commerce.

Hosted by the Pontotoc Juniorettes 

Walkers and runners will pass through picturesque Pontotoc, Mississippi-the business district and the holiday decorated residential area.

Awards will be given to the top 3 winners - male and female, as well as overall winner. 

Registration will be online only, until November 30th. Registration will be available the morning of the race (December 14th) from 7am until 8 am. at the Pontotoc Dixie Regional Library. Registration online will close November 30th. A Late fee of $5 will be assessed to any registrants who register on race day.  Those who register late WILL NOT be guaranteed a t-shirt on race day. ONLINE REGISTRATION WILL CLOSE ON November 30th.  

Event fees are $35 per individual. (Unless registering after noon on Nov. 30th, when a $5 late fee will be assessed)

Packet pick up will be at the Pontotoc Dixie Regional library starting  Saturday, December 14th from 7 am until 8 am.