2024 Run for The Cove & Memorial Walk

2024 Run for The Cove & Memorial Walk

Oct 20, 2024

Race Distance


Kids, Adults

Course Type

Point to point

Event Details

The Run for The Cove event supports our free programs including The Family Program, Camp Compassion, Virtual Programs, Summer Programs, and Professional Development. With your help, these programs can live on!

Our Run for The Cove events include a 5K race, 2-mile memorial walk, a kids' fun run, and a variety of kids' activities including a Totally Turtles presentation from Meigs Point Nature Center. The event is rain or shine. There are no refunds. 

We truly appreciate your kindness and support and we thank you for contributing to the success of our organization and to the Run for The Cove!

Raise $30 by October 4 and you have the option of a beautiful memorial sign of a loved one with a photo to be placed in Memory Lane. Request a sign on the registration page.

Reach your fundraising goal by asking friends and family to give or join in as a participant. Be sure to tap into these creative fundraising ideas to make the most of your impact. 

Select your t-shirt size when registering. Please note: t-shirts are not guaranteed for those who register after October 4

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2024 Run for The Cove & Memorial Walk

Madison, CT, USA

Price starting at:


Countdown to Event Day




