Contact Us

Current Customers

If you are a current customer, the best way to get help to is to reach out to your coach through the Runzy app. Alternatively, you can email us at Please include your name, address and phone number and make sure that you email is from the same email address that you have previously used with Runzy.


If you are a running coach and you are interested in being part of Runzy, please email us at Please include your name, address, phone number, email, your coaching experience and what kind of athletes you prefer to work with.

Race Organizers

If you are a race organizer and you would like to update your event information on Runzy, please email us at Please include your name, address, phone number, email, a link to your event on Runzy and the nature of your question. If your event is not listed on Runzy, and you would like to add it, please include a link to your event website and be sure to include the most important details you would like us to include.


For press inquiries, please email us at


For any other questions or inquiries, please email us at and we will be sure to get back to you as soon as possible.