Unofficial Brown Long Marathon
Sub-events Details
8th Annual Unoffcial Brown Long Half Marathon
8th Annual Unofficial Brown Long Marathon
Come, join us, Fellow AORTAians and friends for the 8th Annual Unofficial Brown Long Marathon and Half Marathon. (I can’t believe we’ve been doing this for 8 years…) Follow the historic route through Opelika and its gently rolling hills. We will have self serve water stops with gatorade, snacks and treats. There will be portapotties. This year we will feature another famous sweatshirt for finishing.
All participants must wear hi viz! Marathoners will need a headlamp or flashlight!!!
NEW FOR THIS YEAR: By request, the marathoners will be starting at 3:40 this year to be able to join the half marathoners at 6:00 am. That way everyone can run and finish together. The marathon will simply be a double loop so sadly that will cut out some of the more pleasurable sections on the marathon such as the Veterans Hill slog and Hillflo Uphill both ways.
**The entry fee covers the sweatshirt and portapotties.