The Walterborough 17.83 - Walk/Run from the Cyclone 2024
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The Walterborough 17.83
The Walterborough 17.83 is the annual Run/Walk put on by the Colleton County Historical and Preservation Society. Jacob and Paul Walter first came to the area in 1783 to avoid the weather and pests along the coast. Other families followed, and the town of Walterborough (the original spelling) was formed.
This year’s event highlights the tragedy of the Cyclone of1879. While still trying to pull itself out of the aftermath of the Civil War, Colleton County was struck by a devastating tornado on April 16, 1879. Damaging or destroying countless buildings and injuring hundreds of people, the Cyclone ripped through the county and Walterboro. The jewel of the county was the Hickory Valley, a beautiful, tree-covered area that served as park, picnic area, and gathering spot. Legend has it that every single hickory was destroyed by the storm, that only lasted a matter of minutes.
CCHAPS is asking participates to run, walk, bike, or move (as long as it doesn't involve a motor) a total of 17.83 miles during the month of May. Participants have the entire month to complete or beat the 17.83 miles. In can be completed in segments or all at once. In the past, some have run very long distances while others just walk a mile in their neighborhood every night. There is no wrong way to complete the miles!
To hold yourself accountable and to encourage others, CCHAPS is offering prizes. We are asking participants to post to the Facebook events page their runs, using whatever app or tracking system they choose. Each week, one post will be randomly selected to win a prize. A 5th prize will be awarded to the coolest picture posted of an historic site that you take while on your run or walk, no matter where you might be located.
See you on the road!