The Race HOME: Benefiting Project HOME

The Race HOME: Benefiting Project HOME

Philadelphia, PA
Oct 8, 2022
Other / 5K

Sub-events Details

Race HOME 5K

Oct 08, 2022 (Sat)
8:00 AM
in person

Race HOME Family Walk

Oct 08, 2022 (Sat)
9:00 AM
in person

Event details

The 2nd annual Race HOME will take place on Saturday, October 8, 2022, from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. 
You can participate one of three ways to help raise awareness of Project HOME’s mission to end and prevent chronic street homelessness.

  • 5k Race at Lloyd Hall, along Kelly Drive, in Philadelphia, PA;
  • 1 mile Family Walk at Lloyd Hall; or,
  • Participate in any outdoor wellness activity, from anywhere!

Check-in will open at 8 a.m. for the Race HOME 5k with a start time of 8:30 a.m. Check-in for the 1-mile walk will open at 9 a.m. with a start time of 9:30a.

New for this year: start your own team or set a fundraising goal! Once your registration is set up, you can add one or both of these options! 

This event will focus on the important role physical & mental wellness has in an individual’s journey towards permanent and supportive housing. Race participation will help a Project HOME community member on their journey home! Street homelessness greatly impacts a person’s physical and mental health.  Project HOME’s Hub of Hope offers a safe place where people can enjoy a warm cup of coffee, shower, wash laundry, see a doctor, meet with a case manager, and begin the process of finding permanent housing. To learn more about the Hub of Hope, please visit our webpage

The Race HOME is part of this year’s Bring Philly HOME, our annual fundraiser. For more information on the full schedule of events, please visit our webpage:

Can’t participate in The Race HOME but still want to support Philadelphians experiencing homelessness?  Consider making a hygiene kit!  Hygiene Kit Packing List (suggested items):

  • Large Slider Ziploc Bags (used as the hygiene kit bag to hold items)
  • Gatorade instant-mix
  • Snack crackers
  • Gummy snacks
  • Socks
  • Chapstick
  • Bottled water
  • Sunscreen & Lotion
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Band-Aids
  • *Plain T-shirt

*If you decide to add clothing, please be gender-neutral and purchase large sizes. After packing your hygiene kits, please drop them off at:
1515 Fairmount Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19130


1 Boathouse Row, Lloyd Hall
Philadelphia, PA 19130

REGISTER NOW! $40:  through Friday, 9/30; or $45 the day of the race.

T-SHIRTS!! Participants receive a t-shirt, to be picked up either before the race at a specified location or race day.

Race Results:   
Our partners at Bryn Mawr Running Company will be on site to time the race. If you are participating remotely, you will have the option of using the Racejoy App or self-timing to submit your results. We will email or text you directions!

Contact: Samantha Blatt, Manager of Annual Giving, 

The mission of the Project HOME community is to empower adults, children, and families to break the cycle of homelessness and poverty, to alleviate the underlying causes of poverty, and to enable all of us to attain our fullest potential as individuals and as members of the broader society. We strive to create a safe and respectful environment where we support each other in our struggles for self-esteem, recovery, and the confidence to move toward self-actualization.

Bring Philly HOME, Project HOME’s signature fundraising event raises crucial funds supporting Project HOME’s outreach teams, connecting with people living on the streets; build more supportive housing for those in need; and providing comprehensive health care, education, and employment opportunities.