The N.O.A.H. Project
Sub-events Details
The N.O.A.H. Project Autism Awareness Run/Day
The N.O.A.H. Project Autism Awareness Run/Day
The N.O.A.H. Project is a walk designed to bring awareness to those who are on the Spectrum. In 2021 we were introduced to the Autism Spectrum when our son, Noah, was diagnosed with autism. We had no idea what direction to go in and was unaware of what services were available to us. This walk will bring together professionals and families who have loved ones on the spectrum. We will have therapist there as well as entertainment for both children and parents. The Dothan Police Department has made car decal stickers that they will give away to walk participants. These stickers are designed to let police officers, firefighters and other first responders know that someone in the car is on the spectrum and may be nonverbal or not respond to verbal commands. We will have the Dothan Fire Department there with a firetruck for the kids. We will have a DJ playing kid appropriate music. We look forward to connecting with all of you!!!!