Teaneck 5K Run, Walk, Roll, and 1M Color Run for Education

Teaneck 5K Run, Walk, Roll, and 1M Color Run for Education

Teaneck, NJ
May 21, 2023
5K / 1 mile

Sub-events Details

Teaneck 1 Mile Color Run/Walk/Roll for Education

1 mile
May 21, 2023 (Sun)
10:00 AM
Run only
in person

Teaneck 5K Run/Walk/Roll for Education

May 21, 2023 (Sun)
9:00 AM
Run only
in person

Event details

On Sunday, May 21, Teaneck Organization for Public Schools (TOPS) will host the 3rd annual Teaneck 5K Run/Walk/Roll in Teaneck, NJ! TOPS is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization existing solely for the benefit of the children of the Teaneck Public Schools. The 5K is a USA Track and Field (USATF)-sanctioned timed event along the beautiful tree-lined streets in Teaneck, starting and ending right in Milton Votee Park. Expect to hear some cheers and great live music from Teaneck's High School musicians along the way! Bring your family and friends, and make sure you don't miss out on a great, fun-filled event!

If you prefer a shorter distance, there is a 1 Mile Color Fun Run. If you want to experience a colorful vibe, get blasted as you run through the color stations. Participants of all ages are welcome, and we encourage you to share this experience with friends and family: the more, the merrier!

After the race, stick around for face painting, balloon artists, the award ceremony, meet our sponsors, and more! See you at the start line—and hopefully the finish line, too!

What is included in your registration?

  • 5K Run/Walk: $30/runner Includes T-shirt* and race bib ($35 after April 25)
  • 1 Mile Color Fun Run: $20/runner Includes T-shirt*, race bib, and color kit (sunglasses and bandana; $25 after April 25) 

Please note that the 5K and 1M Color Fun Run are two different races. If you wish to participate in both races, the total price will be $50 ($60 after April 25).

*T-shirts for participants will be available while supplies last

Early Race Packet Pickup 

Early race packet pickup is available to give everyone a better experience and alleviate congestion on race day, and we encourage you to take advantage. 

Pick Location- Teaneck High School, 100 Elizabeth Avenue, Teaneck, NJ 07666

Friday, May 19, between 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Saturday, May 20, between 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Race Day Pick-Up:

Location: 1415 Palisade Avenue, Teaneck NJ

5K Race: Sunday, May 21, 2023, 7:30 am - 8:30 am (Race starts at 9:00 am sharp)  

1 Mile Color Fun Run: Sunday, May 21, 2023, 8:30 am - 9:30 am (Run starts at 10:00 am sharp)



1) Benjamin Franklin Middle School:  Use the Walkway tunnel (the tunnel is located near Firestation 4) on W Englewood Ave/Windsor to cross over each Palisade Ave. 
2) Between Queen Anne Road and Court Street 
3) Between Queen Anne Road and Walraven Drive (Palisade Post Office).
4) Rodda Center from Queen Anne Road

**You will not be able to park on Palisade Ave. south of State Street or anywhere on the race path. 


Portable toilets are located near the start line. Other facilities are on court street between palisade avenue and Queen Anne Road and along the race path.


7:30–8:30 am: Race bib and t-shirt packet pickup for 5K Run
8:30–9:30 am: Race bib and t-shirt packet pickup for 1 Mile Color Fun Run
9:00 am: 5K Race begins
10:00 am: 1 Mile Color Fun Run starts
10:30 am: Medal Ceremony

Prizes will be awarded to the top three finishers by age group:

ADULT DIVISION 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51- 60, 61-70, 71-90, 90+

* Please note that in the young adult and adult divisions, the top three male and female finishers in each age group will be awarded medals.

We look forward to running with you all under the blossom-filled trees that line the beautiful streets of Teaneck.

The Teaneck 5K Team

Questions? E-mail us: topsteaneckorg@gmail.com