T-Hawk Hustle 5k Run/Walk

T-Hawk Hustle 5k Run/Walk

Anywhere, OH
Oct 8, 2023

Sub-events Details

5k Run

Oct 08, 2023 (Sun)
8:00 AM

Event details

Event: 5k run/walk
Location: Lakota East HS
Time: 5K begins at 8:00 am

Awards at 9:00 am (must be present to receive award)

Pre-Registration: Cost $45/Person - Includes T-shirt (pre-register by 9/19/24)

Registrations received after 9-19 and day of Race Registration Cost $45/Person - No T-shirt

(A limited number of T-shirts will be available for purchase on race day, $15.00 each)

PACKET PICK_UP: Saturday, October 12th from 10:30am-1:30pm at the Lakota East High School Main Building (10-12th grade) just inside the main entrance doors OR beginning at 7am the day of the race near the Football Field Ticket Entrance

To get a free t-shirt you need to register by 9/19

Age Groups: 14 and under, 15-19, 20-29. 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60+

Register on-line at www.registrationspot.com or in person day of race

All proceeds go to the Lakota East Booster club supporting Lakota East Athletics, 

$10 of your registration fee goes directly to the Lakota East High School sports team of your choice, Lakota East Athletic Boosters, or Lakota East Upbeat Club – indicate who you are supporting on the drop-down menu provided on the registration form (2nd page)