Summer Solstice 5K & Yoga
Sub-events Details
Location: Manchester Park & Ride
Distance: 5K
Date: June 21, 2024
Race Start Time: 6:30 pm, Yoga 730 pm (30 min), Awards: 805 pm
Cost: CRR Member: $35
Cost: Nonmember: $40
Award Categories: 5K 1st, 2nd & 3rd overall; 1st Masters; under 14, 15-19, 10-year age groups up to 70+; Male / Female in all categories
T-Shirt: To be guaranteed a shirt be registered by June 12, 2024.
Packet Pick Up: At Manchester Park & Ride on Friday, June 21 from 4 - 6 PM. Shirts given out after yoga.
Yoga will follow the race starting at 730 pm - bring your own yoga mat.
Part of CRR Classic Series. If signed up for Summer Series do not need to sign up for individual race.