SHEF in Motion
Sub-events Details
1 Mile Kids Fun Run
10 Kilometer Run
10 Kilometer- Virtual Only
5 Kilometer
5 kilometer-Virtual Only
The SHEF foundation has partnered with the South Huntington School District each year to celebrate our community and support the school district's Arts/Dance and Music programs. Often the Art/Dance and Music programs are the first to be affected by budgetary cutbacks when necessary. The goal is to continue its support these programs until the need no longer exists. In the past years SHEF has provided over $100,000 in much needed improvements. A few examples of SHEF's accomplishments are listed below. We have made great strides.....but still have much to conquer. Come join us!
SHEF'S Ninth Annual 1 Mile/5K/10K and Kids Fun Run will be held Live and Virtual for 2024. The event will begin May 18th, 2024. There will be many options for you to choose from when making your plans to participate. They are each listed below with ta brief description.
The time frame for all events will begin on Saturday, May 18, 2024.
At the Walt Whitman High School
For registered participants- The packet pick up will be at
Location: Walt Whitman High School- 301 West Hills Road, Huntington Station, NY - North Gymnasium
Dates- Friday, May 17, 2024.
Hours- 5 pm- 7pm.
Any participants out of the community area will be handled personally. Please contact 631-812-3015