Shamong Color Run/Fun Run

Shamong Color Run/Fun Run

Shamong, NJ
May 4, 2025
1 mile

Sub-events Details

1-Mile Color Run

1 mile
May 04, 2025 (Sun)
9:00 AM
in person

Event details

May the 4th be with you on this 1-mile Color Run/Fun Run in the heart of the NJ Pinelands.   Run or walk your way through massive color explosions as we celebrate May 4th.

The event will take place at the Indian Mills Memorial School and consist of five .20 mile laps with a color station.  

At each .20 mile mark, Color Runners are doused from head to toe in a different colored powder.

Participants typically wear white at the starting line and finish the race plastered in color. Once the race is over, the fun continues at the Finish Festival, a larger-than-life party equipped with music, dancing, photo ops, and more massive color throws, which create millions of vivid color combinations. Trust us, this is the best post-Color Run party in the Pines!

All racers will receive a participation medal.  This is not a timed event.  Prizes will be given for 1st, 2nd, 3rd male and female finishers. 

Proceeds to benefit Shamong Girl Scouts.  No rain date. Race requires minimum 50 participants registered by April 14.

Price starting at:
