Sewickley Academy Red Cross Fundraiser Race
Sub-events Details
Sewickley Academy Red Cross Fundraiser Race
Join us for the Sewickley Academy Red Cross Club's first-ever fundraiser race! All proceeds will be donated to the Red Cross and will go towards aid for victims of natural disasters and conflict.
The race will take place at the RMU Outdoor Sports Complex's outdoor track, and the registration fee for all participants will be $15.00. Additional donations are appreciated, but not required.
Age groups will be divided as follows: 6 and under, 7-9, 10-12, 13-18, 19 and older. Ages 12 and under will race 400m (1 lap), while ages 13 and older will race 1600m (4 laps or ~1 mile).
All participants will receive a participation medal following their race, and the top male and female finisher from each age group will receive an additional prize!