Run United 2024 East China Township Park
Sub-events Details
1 Mile Walk (Including T-shirt)
1 Mile Walk (Not including T-shirt)
The 4th Annual Run United is a family-oriented 5K run/1 mile walk fundraiser on May 5, 2024 at East China Township Park. The proceeds will benefit the United Way of St. Clair County. The race will begin at 11:30 am with a recognition ceremony at 12:30 pm. There will be first-place medals for each age group.
The cost is $25 per runner or walker with a t-shirt if registered before April 29th ($35 if registered after April 24th*) and $10 per walker without a t-shirt if registered before April 29th ($15 if registered after April 24th*).
Donuts, water, and swag bags will be provided for all participants and a t-shirt will be provided for runners and walkers registered with the t-shirt option by April 29th.
Eastside Racing Company
Thank you to our Run UNITED Event Sponsors:
Gold: Children's Health Care
Friends of Run UNITED:
Children's Health Care Staff
* Please note: T-Shirt is not guaranteed if registering after April 29th.