Run to GROW is an all-inclusive virtual cross-country running program that is led by a trusted adult, guardian or parent. The objective is for students and adults to increase and improve their physical activity by running or walking. Run to GROW will provide weekly training plans and content that will help engage the caregiver in positive, quality one on one time with their student, while helping the child(ren) set a “PR” (personal record) for themselves during the 2020-2021 cross-country running season.
Because Run to GROW is a virtual program, it is COVID friendly, allowing families to participate in an environment that is best for them. Runs can take place in a neighborhood, park, on a local running trail, or if allowed, at school with the traditional cross-country team.
Run to GROW will align with the traditional Seminole County Public School elementary cross-country running season. Training will begin in October and end in March. On a monthly basis, participants will be encouraged to run, walk or roll in a virtual race. These include: 10/31 - Spooky Run Walk, 11/28 - Family Turkey Trot, 12/19 - Jingle Bell Jog, 1/23- New Year’s Fun Run, 2/27 - Run to GROW, 3/27 – Track Shack Smile Mile (optional / additional fee to participate)
Goal Distance:
Families or adult participants can choose a distance that is appropriate for their age and fitness level. During the season, your goal distance can be adjusted. Suggested distance is as follows: 7 and under: 1/2 mile, 12 and under: 1 mile, 13 and over: 1-3 miles
Tracking Race Results:
Race results and mileage can be entered into the Run Sign Up portal or written on a printable worksheet. If you select the printable worksheet, participants must record three or more “race day” results, email or mail the worksheet in to receive their finisher medal. If mileage is entered into the Run Sign Up portal, students will collect digital “trophies” based on miles walked, run or rolled with a parent.
What will participants receive?
At the start of the season, each participant will receive a packet with: safety tips and how to teach your runner about pedestrian safety, one reflective safety shoe tag per registered runner, race-day bib, and information about the closed Facebook Run to GROW event page.
Price to Participate:
$15 - youth under age 18
$30 - age 18 and over. Adults: when you participate, you help us scholarship a student. Your support will help GROW the good in Central Florida.
Check out our online store: Get your own Run to GROW casual or running shirt. You can select to pick up your shirt, have it mailed to you, or pick it up on November 13th or 14th from Academy Sports and Outdoors in Lake Mary.
When can we pick up our race packet?
Your race packet and special order Run to GROW shirts can be picked up on November 13th or 14th at Academy Sports and Outdoors in Lake Mary. Do you live outside of the area or will not be able to pick you packet? No worries - we can mail it to you. More details will follow.
Weekly, participants will receive an email with the following: the suggested training schedule, topic of the week (Nourish, Run, Relax, GROW), pedestrian safety tips, and walk & talk conversation starters.
The closed Run to GROW Facebook page will be a location where we can share information and participants can celebrate individual, family, school and community wellness.