Run for the Elk Race Festival: Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K and 5K
Sub-events Details
Combo 5K and 10K
Free 5K (Volunteer at Registration table 1 hr prior to start)
Half Marathon
Free 10K (Volunteer at Registration table 1 hr prior to start)
Discount Marathon (Volunteer at Registration table 1 hr prior to start)
Full Marathon
This is going to be a great event with amazing scenery!
Emporium is the ”Elk Capital of Pennsylvania” and is located in the heart of the state’s wild elk herd, now numbering almost 1,000 majestic animals.
Fast Finishes has partnered with Run Love Run for professional coaching services. You can find more information about them by the dropdown link or by going to their website
Entry fees will include:
2024 Finishers Medal
I Run for Fun socks
All of our events feature a 10% discount on race entry for all service members and their family. Click/tap here for more information.
Also, as always, Service Members or former Service Members can use promo code asdfldjl to obtain their discount at the full price race and then use the other promo code dlafljldjk to get a discount at the second race. is known for fun, well organized events with incredible SWAG and event food. For additional information, email race director: Mark Hughes. We are always happy to answer any questions you have about our races. Our goal is for you to have the very best possible race day experience. For additional information and race updates please check our website:
Image by StockSnap from Pixabay