Run 4 Recovery 5km
Sub-events Details
Run 4 Recovery 5K
Run 4 Recovery 5km - Virtual Race
This 5th Annual event is to raise money for local Jacksonville drug and alcohol recovery / treatment facilities. Many of these centers need additional funds to provide much needed treatment to those who need it most. Be part of something bigger than yourself and help us raise awareness and funds to help save someone's life, BECAUSE WE DO RECOVER!!
We are also offering a virtual option. Virtual runners can run their race day effort either Saturday 01/11 , or Sunday 01/12 Results need to be submitted no later than Sunday noon. Results will be scored and award certificates will be presented to all finishers. To be eligible for awards you must also submit a ‘proof of time’, either a photo of your gps watch, or a screenshot from your running app that displays both distance and time.