Radsport XC 5k & 10k Trail Run at Forever Farm

Radsport XC 5k & 10k Trail Run at Forever Farm

Mertztown, PA
Apr 6, 2025
10K / 5K

Sub-events Details

10k Trail Run

Apr 06, 2025 (Sun)
7:00 AM
Trail Race
in person

5k Trail Run

Apr 06, 2025 (Sun)
7:00 AM
Trail Race
in person

Event details

Rain or Shine!

Refunds are only available to those who purchase the event insurance add-on.

1.5hrs from Philadelphia and Scranton, 1hr from Lancaster


  • Start and FInish Location: 228 Five Points Road, Mertztown, PA 19539
  • Parking: field on the corner of Five Points and Fredricksville Road. Use 292 Fredricksville Road for your Google Maps, but park in the field, not that guy's driveway
  • Porta Johns are available in the parking location and finish line—no public relief zones.
  • Everyone races together but will be scored separately by Gender and Age Groups.
  • Please plan your pre-race ritual to include picking up your number if you do not already have it.


In the event of an event cancellation, we will email all participants by 7pm on Friday, April 5th. Refunds will be processed for race entry fee to everyone who purchases event insurance at the time of their registration.

There is no rain date.


Day of Registration IS AVAILABLE +$10. We accept Venmo and Cash payments. 
Check-in opens at 6am

Pre-Registered Check-in schedule is as follows: 
Trail Run  ›  Check-in Opens: 6:00am / Race Start: 7:00am 

5k will do two laps of the "Prologue" section of the trails. You can find the course here on RideWithGPS.

RidewithGPS and Trailforks.

Limited photography by our crew will be posted at https://longtailproductions.pixieset.com/


Long Tail Productions organization firmly believes that all attendees should have an equal opportunity to participate in our event regardless of their race, color, religion, disability, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, or national origin. We recognize that participation in sport is a human right. We strive to create an enjoyable event for those currently active in endurance sports in all the different ways they participate and an inviting one for those who have not joined us yet. Our obligation as race organizers and athletes is to create a safe and welcoming space for athletes, staff, and spectators from different backgrounds, identities, and abilities. This event is part of our work to foster such spaces. All Long Tail Productions follow all rules and regulations for participation and inclusion outlined by USA Cycling and the UCI. Harassment of participants protected under those standards will not be tolerated. Anyone who attempts to harass or otherwise intimidate other athletes, staff, or spectators will be asked to leave the event immediately. Harassment or intimidation will be reported to race officials, SafeSport, and local authorities. We will use our power and privilege to protect our friends who need it. Our goal is to foster a vibrant and diverse cycling community. We are grateful for your partnership in working towards that goal.

Price starting at:
