Sub-events Details
Adult 5K Run/Walk
Student 5K Run/Walk
The Event - A family friendly 5K Run/Walk in Green, Ohio for people of ALL AGES AND ABILITIES. Everyone runs as an individual AND you can also join a team for friendly / competitive 2 person competition.
The Race Bib - Your bib will include your Last Name and the Flag of the Country you select during registration. Represent your Country of Ancestry, your Favorite Country, or the good old USA as your race bib will feature that country.
The Relay - The first participant will run the 5k loop and pass a Slap band to their teammate to run the same loop.Total time will be calculated within your Divisions and award for the top 3 teams. Divisions are Open Women, Open Men, Open Coed, Masters Women, Masters Men, Masters Coed. Teams are made up of 2 (Two) people. Join in for FUN or FRIENDLY COMPETITION! 1 hour 30 minute team cut off time! All relay participants will also be included in the Individual results.
The Beneficiary - We will be raising charitable dollars and awareness for the Green Great 8 Race Series and its beneficiaries.