Patriots' Day 5K

Patriots' Day 5K

Celebration, FL
Jan 20, 2024 - Apr 14, 2024

Sub-events Details

DAR Patriots' Day 5K

Apr 15, 2024 (Mon)
7:30 AM

DAR Patriots' Day 5K

Jan 20, 2024 (Sat)
7:30 AM

Event details

Are you faster than a Minuteman? The Patriots' Day 5K, brought to you by the Abraham Salle Chapter of the DAR, is a virtual 5K race and fun run commemorating the April 19, 1775 events at Lexington, Concord, and Menotomy, where our American Patriots risked their lives and property, defending their ideals of liberty and self-determination.

On Saturday April 13th 2024 at Celebration Town Hall, 851 Celebration Avenue, Celebration FL 34747 from 10am to 4pm join the Abraham Salle Chapter of the DAR in person in Celebration FL for packet pick up, colonial crafts, research potential patriots in your family, and more family friendly fun! Please note that due to rules regarding transactions we can only allow packet pick ups in person or mail them within the state of Florida. 

Who can race?  All Skill Levels of walkers, joggers, and runners are encouraged and welcome to participate in our virtual 5K.

It's race time!  When you feel prepared to officially complete the Patriots' Day 5K, choose any day to be your race day, wear red, white, and blue, take photos, and complete your 5K. This is a VIRTUAL EVENT!  So register, prepare, and race at a location most comfortable to you - a treadmill, in your neighborhood, in a park, on a city sidewalk, or wherever is safe and offers you the best experience.  Print your own Race Bib:

Log into your profile
Under Upcoming Events - Look for the Patriots' Day 5K and click "View Digital Bib".  Click Print!
Cut out your Race Bib and pin to yourself while you race.  If you are racing in honor of someone, use a marker and write their name on the bib!

Submit your official results online!  Come back here to submit your race time - Official Race Results are Due April 14 2023.

Log into your profile
Under Upcoming Events - Look for the Patriots' Day 5K event and click "Submit Virtual Results"
Race, Submit, Win!

After The Race:

Join the Abraham Salle Chapter of the DAR on Saturday April 13th between 10:00am and 4:00pm at Celebration Town Hall, 851 Celebration Ave, Celebration FL 34747 for awards as well as our colonial craft fair, information on how to get started on your own genealogy research, and more!

Share with your community! Ask supporters to capture a photo of you while racing or take a selfie when you are done.  Use #DARPatriotsDay5K when sharing your story on social media. 

Price starting at:
