Omaha Stars and Stripes Half Marathon & 5K
Sub-events Details
5K - Extended Online Registration
5K (Untimed) - Extended Online Registration
5K (Untimed)
5K Kid's Division Fun Run Untimed (12 Years and Under)
Virtual Run - 5K
5K - Finisher Medal Add On
5K (Untimed) - Finisher Medal Add On
5K Kid's Division Fun Run Untimed (12 Years and Under) - Finisher Medal Add On
Half Marathon - Extended Online Registration
Half Marathon
Virtual Run - Half Marathon
Kid's Dash - 100 Meters
Omaha Stars and Stripes Half Marathon & 5K Run/Walk
Omaha, NE - 06/30/2024
Use #Stars&StripesRun when sharing your photos from the event. Finish with the American Flag, half finisher medals & finish line bomb pops or ice cream!
Event times, dates, location and all other details are subject to change prior to the event. All official information is on the event's website