No Need Among You Community Dash 5K & 1Mile
Sub-events Details
1 Mile Run/Walk
1-Mile Donut Dash (Up to 4 Family Members)
1-Mile Donut Dash (Individual)
5K (Virtual)
Our goal through the conference is to provide outstanding training and motivation for Christians in Texas and beyond who serve the poor and the marginalized.
Our local committee, the TxCCDN staff, and our board of directors have already invited outstanding speakers and are currently adding workshops and ministry tours. While we have a great group of underwriters committed from the DFW area and from all over Texas, we have added another fundraiser to help underwrite the cost of the conference. We are holding our second annual onsite 5K and 1-mile crawl, walk or run races on Wednesday afternoon (10/11, 2:00 PM) at Camp Broadway at 2:00 PM before our first annual A Night of Worship, with others participating in the race “virtually” in their own hometown whenever they choose. The goal is for as many as 100 of us/you to register for one of the events and ask others to support your effort to raise funds for NNAY. It’s easy and will be fun! You’ll also get a special T-shirt and medal for participating! Won’t you join us and crawl, walk, or run in this year’s cross-country 5K or 1-mile event …
Add those special elements of motivation, accountability and fun to your event experience. When SIGNING UP FOR THE RACE, set up a FUNDRAISING PAGE to join our Fundraising Team. You can also join our Fundraising Team by CLICKING HERE!
Awards to be distributed per the following: