Nativity Knight Flight
Sub-events Details
1 Mile Fun Run
1 Mile Fun Run
Tot Trot
Tot Trot
Nativity's Knight Flight is now held in the fall and is scheduled for Tuesday, October 1! This event proudly raises awareness about health, fitness, and wellness for our school community. We'll hit the Tomahawk Creek Trail for a 5K or 1 mile fun run. We will also have a shorter Tot Trot for the little ones who want to begin their running career early!
We'll have hot dogs and other snacks! Plus, register by September 24 so you can dress down in your race shirt for school on October 1. All student participants will receive a finisher's medal that they can wear to school on October 2 as a testament to their endurance and fortitude.
We are expecting sunshine and a light breeze that's always at your back (and hopefully no rain!), so you'll be sure to have a good time.