Mujer Run
Sub-events Details
Mujer Run - Adultos (edad 13+)
Mujer Run - Niños (edad 0-13)
Thank you for your interest in our summer fundraiser, this years funds are aimed towards Hispanic women entrepreneurs including projects by CasArt Foundation and Centro Cultural Hispano
Come hangout, learn and get active with your favorite Hispanic Community!
Race shirt guaranteed if registered by June 10
June 29th, 2024
Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. Pick up bib and race shirt!
Warm-up starts at 9:10 a.m.
Race starts at 9:30 a.m.
Award ceremony at 10:45 am including gifts from our sponsors
Special thanks to Guys Yoga for holding a special yoga session following the award ceremony
Bloomer Tent, at Bloomer Park, 345 John R Rd, Rochester Hills, MI 48307
See the trail map here
Runners and Walkers are all welcome!
Strollers are allowed, but keep in mind that it is an unpaved road.
All runners must be registered to participate.
Bring your own lunch for a get-together after the race. We’d love to share time together.
Restrooms and plenty of parking available
Water, refreshments and protein snacks will be available at the end of the race.
Registration Fee:
Adult (18+): $30
Child (Under 13): $25
Registration Fee includes:
T Shirts: Quality race shirt size guaranteed if registered by June 10. Shirt size is subject to availability if registered after June 10
Medals: Provided to all finishers
Awards: Given to the top finishers
Refunds can be made before June 10 (excluding transaction fees). After this date, we’ll defer you to next year’s race.
Race directors reserve the right to cancel the event in case of severe weather.