Love Hard 5k Fun Run
Sub-events Details
Denver Love Hard 5k
St. Louis Love Hard 5k
Boston Love Hard 5k
San Diego Love Hard 5k
Chicago Love Hard 5k
Virtual Love Hard 5k
Grand Rapids Love Hard 5k
The Love Hard 5k Fun Run is an annual run for a cause fundraising event for the UnbridledACTS community, Love Hard, as they come alongside families in their time of grief.
In September 2017, the Kamins family experienced the sudden passing of their son, brother and grandson, Cash, at just two years old. While grieving, the Kamins family held onto the knowledge that Cash knew how much he was loved—the Kamins family loves hard. To honor Cash’s vibrant spirit, Love Hard was born to raise money for other families who experience a similar sudden and unexpected loss. The goal is to provide short and long-term community through financial assistance and retreats that facilitate healing to families as they navigate their unique grieving process.
In honor of Cash’s birthday, Love Hard hosts this virtual & in-person 5k Fun Run to spread love. All funds raised will support families walking through grief.