Liberty Freedom Run
Sub-events Details
4.0 Mile Run/Walk
4.0 Mile Run/Walk Clyesdale (200 lbs and over)
4.0 Mile Walk
WHEN: Saturday, July 6, 2024, 8:30 am Eastern DST
Walkers will start immediately after the runners.
Where: Courthouse, Liberty, Indiana. Liberty is on US 27, 14 miles north of Oxford, Ohio
or 17 miles south of Richmond, Indiana. 15 miles east of Connersville, Indiana
on State Road 44. 18 miles north of Brookville, Indiana on state road 101.
DISTANCE: 4 Miles in Honor of the 4th of July! This is new for this year! The run will start at the northeast corner of the courthouse
at the corner of Union and Market streets. Runners will run a two-loop course that starts and finishes at the corner of Union and Market streets.
AID: There will be a water stations on course. Runners will pass it twice. Water/Gatorade at finish. Time splits every mile.
FACILITIES: Port-a-johns available at Liberty Festival.
AWARDS: The age groups for men and women are as follows: 12 and under, 13-15,
16-18, 19-24, 25-29, 30-34, 35-39, 40-47, 48-55, 56-63, 64-71, 72 and up.
“Clydesdale” division: 200 lb and over.
Trophies will be awarded to the top five female and male finishers.
Ribbons will be awarded for each age group.
ENTRY FEE: $25.00 if registered by June 25, 2024. This includes a T-shirt.
$25.00 after June 25 does not include a T-shirt.
The “Liberty Freedom Run” is run in conjunction with the Liberty 4th of July Festival—Flea Market, Food, Parade, Live Music