Reduce the Guilt….get out for our Turkey Day 5K Tradition!
Proceeds will benefit our Greencastle Flyers Youth Club
We will host Race Day/In Person registration tomorrow morning.....11/28/24 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM in the Greencastle-Antrim HS GYM. See you there........
Fee: $30....Cash or make checks payable to "Greencastle Flyers Club"
Kids' Race Start Time:. 8 AM
5K Start Time: 8:30 AM
Race Day Registration & Packet Pick-Up: 7:15 AM - 8:15 AM at Greencastle-Antrim HS GYM
Cost: $25 if registered by 11/07/24…..$30 after 11/07/24 (not guaranteed a t-shirt)
T-Shirts: are guaranteed to those who register by 11/07/24
Awards: Top 3 Overall Male and Female Finishers will receive awards.
No age-group awards will be given this year.
No Refunds or other race transfers are allowed.
Must be present to receive t-shirt and awards. If you cannot attend event, be sure to have someone collect your race packet for you.
All race participants are responsible for becoming familiar with their select race course as to not get lost.