Glacial Till Orienteering # 5
Sub-events Details
Glacial Till Orienteering # 5
Date---October 12,2024
Location--Shubert,Nebraska Indian Cave State Park
Fees include--long sleeve shirts, drinks,snacks,awards
Registration closes September 27 or earlier depending on Race Printz.
Ordering long sleeve shirts so registration may close before September 27. Please keep and eye out. There will not be any vests ordered after registration closes oe extras!
Check in--Cave area campgrouund--8:00am
3 or 5 hour cut off (you decide at check in what race you are doing) double points are only for the 5 hour people.
Format--Teams will pick up maps,instructions,info at check in.
Teams of coed,male or female 2 or 3 person
Gear needed--compass,dry bag or zip lock for maps,water,snacks.
Will be map plotted and map to plot. A 1:24,000 scale UTM tool will be needed and some compass readings along the way.
Help at the check in if needed.
This will be a helter skelter start!! :)
Racers will try and get at many or all the checkpoints in the allotted time frame.
This is the final race of the 2024 O race season.
Run or hike--Welcome to Indian Cave scenery and scenic hills. :)
Park permits at main gate if needed.
Contact Jim for info