Get Rolling With A Bunch Bike
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Inclusion is at the heart of the Bunch Bike mission. A Bunch Bike makes family bike rides accessible for many children who are not able to bike independently because of disabilities, or medical or adaptive needs.
Our unique format - three wheels, electric assist, and kids in front - creates capacity for supportive seating, medical equipment, face-to-face monitoring, and service animals if needed. We also serve parents with disabilities who may not be able to drive or ride an ordinary bike with their kids. The goal? An inclusive family bike ride that lets parents and siblings of all abilities get outdoors, get moving, and have fun together! A quality electric cargo trike is a big investment - cheaper than a car, but a lot more expensive than a "normal" two-wheeled bike. We work with so many families for whom the Bunch Bike would be life-changing - but the cost is prohibitive. That's why we're honored to partner with Ainsley's Angels - offering a nonprofit pathway for families to rally their communities and get support for their Bunch Bikes journey!
Mission ~ Together, We Shall educate, advocate, and celebrate inclusive communities while connecting everyone through empowerment and belonging.
Vision ~ Inclusion without limits.
Values ~
Accepting & Welcoming: Welcoming everyone with happiness, always.
Positive & Kind: Valuing and appreciating everyone for who they are when we lead with love.
Transparent & Authentic: Being genuine and honest with your intent.
Diversity & Respect: Embracing each person's joy and accepting whatever that joy might be.
Thank you for your support.
All donations are unrestricted and used for mission execution.
Together, We Shall!