EdK Run
Sub-events Details
EdK 1K
EdK 5K
Ed/K benefits the LIVESTRONG program at Chambersburg YMCA, a 12-week wellness program for cancer survivors.
1K Fun Run / Walk on the track | $10 entry includes registration, snack back and LIVESTRONG band
5K Walk / Run starts / ends on track + out & back | $25 entry includes registration, t-shirt & LIVESTRONG band
Register prior to 09.15.24 for guaranteed t-shirt!
Join us at the Dr. Edwin H. Sponseller Track & Field Complex | Trojan Stadium | 511 S. Sixth St., Chambersburg, PA 17201
12:30 PM | Registration opens
1:45 PM | Opening Ceremonies
2:00 PM | Races start
In April 2017, Ed lost his 11 year battle with Lymphoma. Join us in honoring Ed and his love for running... any age, any distance.
Choose your course.
Train & encourage others.
Run (or walk) happy and SMILE!