Dash by the Past
Sub-events Details
Adult 1 Mile Walk
Kids’ 1 Mile Walk, ages 5-12
Adult 5K
Kids’ 5K, ages 5-12
Dash by the Past is a family-friendly 5K or 1 mile walk with a scenic route that takes participants past previous Decorators’ Show House and Gardens homes on Meridian Street. This beautiful thoroughfare will be closed to all traffic for this event. The race begins and ends at the Meridian Restaurant & Bar at 5694 N. Meridian Street. Each registered participant receives a T-shirt and a gift certificate for a free SIMPLICITY Cold Pressed Juice at Meijer with prizes awarded for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place male & female finishers. Children ages 0 - 4 do not need to be registered.
Proceeds benefit the John and Kathy Ackerman Mental Health Professional Development Center at Sandra Eskenazi Mental Health Center
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