CYC Boiling Pot 5K

CYC Boiling Pot 5K

Canajoharie, NY
Aug 16, 2025
1K / 5K

Sub-events Details

Kids Free Fun Run

Aug 16, 2025 (Sat)
6:00 PM
in person

CYC Boiling Pot 5K

Aug 16, 2025 (Sat)
6:15 PM
in person

Event details

The Boiling Pot 5K is a community fundraiser to benefit the Community Youth Center Inc. The C.Y.C Inc. provides life-enriching, affordable activities in a safe environment to 300 youths from 5 local municipalities. Activities include an after-school program, Biddy Basketball and a five-week summer program. Again, this year we're partnering with NBT Bank and closing off Mohawk Street to allow for an expanded start/finish area and plenty of parking. Registration and packet pick up will be at NBT bank at 20 Mohawk St., Canajoharie. 

Come out and join us for a summer evening of fun. The 5K is open to all age groups, unique awards will be given to the top male & female finisher in each age group. T-shirts' provided to the first 100 registrants for the 5K. Our event starts at 6:00 p.m. starting with the kid's fun run which is totally free. The 5K starts shortly after the kids run finishes up. 

Donations are accepted and volunteers are always welcome. Come out and support your local community center!

5K Entry Fee is $20 before 8/15 and $25 day of race.

Kids Run is Free. * Registration form must be completed and signed by parent. 

Price starting at: