CLEO Institute's RACE FOR OUR FUTURE - Earth Day 5K
Sub-events Details
Running-5K - Individual Adult
Running-5K - Student Registration
Walking- 1 mile, 2 miles, 5K - Individual Registration
Walking- 1 mile, 2 miles, 5K - Individual Student Registration
Running-5K - Individual Adult
Running-5K - Student Registration
Walking- 1 mile, 2 miles, 5K - Individual Registration
Walking- 1 mile, 2 miles, 5K - Individual Student Registration
Running-5K - Individual Adult
Running-5K - Student Registration
Walking- 1 mile, 2 miles, 5K - Individual Registration
Walking- 1 mile, 2 miles, 5K - Individual Student Registration
This year marks the 54th anniversary of the environmental movement’s birth, commemorated annually as Earth Day. Since 1970, billions of individuals from more than 190 countries worldwide have come together every April 21st to take action toward a greener, more sustainable future for our planet.
The CLEO Institute firmly believes that climate and environmental literacy, coupled with strong civic education, will create jobs, build a green consumer market and allow citizens to engage with their governments meaningfully to address the climate crisis.
The Run for our Future 5K is a chipped timed 5K run. Awards are provided to the top 3 overall and age groups (male and female). There are two options to register: 5K run/walk or 1 mile walk.
Raised funds will go to support climate resilience education in Miami-Dade through innovative campaigns, our Climate Resilient Schools programs in partnership with Miami-Dade Public Schools STEAM department, and our Empowering Resilient Women’s program geared to vulnerable communities in our county.