Christ the King Regional School's 27th Annual King's Run

Christ the King Regional School's 27th Annual King's Run

Haddonfield, NJ
Nov 16, 2025
5K / Other / 1 mile

Sub-events Details


1 mile
Nov 16, 2025 (Sun)
8:30 AM
in person

5K Run

Nov 16, 2025 (Sun)
8:30 AM
in person

Kids Fun Run (9 and under)

Nov 16, 2025 (Sun)
8:30 AM
in person

Event details

The 27th Annual King's Run 5K,1 Mile Walk and Kids Fun Run benefits Christ the King Regional School (CKRS). Our school serves the families of Haddonfield, Cherry Hill, and the surrounding communities. This event is the only fundraiser for CKRS' many sports programs, which include basketball, track, cross country and field hockey. The 5K course begins in front of the school and winds through parts of the beautiful Camden County park system adjacent to Cooper River.


Family/Corporate Sponsorship: To become a Family or Corporate Sponsor visit and select "Sponsorships." All levels of sponsorship for our Uknighted for CKRS fundraising campaign include:

          + Free event registration and race shirts (official CKRS spirit wear) for immediate family

          + Family/Corporate name on race shirt          

          + Minimum sponsorship is the "Knight" level at $175

          + Must register by 11/1/24 to have your name included on the shirt and to be                 

             guaranteed to receive a race shirt


Individual Registrations: Use the sign-up buttons above. Must register before 11/1/24 to be guaranteed to receive a race shirt. Registrations will be accepted through the morning of 11/16/24.


Shirt and bib pickup times:

Friday, 11/15 shirts and bibs will be sent home with current students
Race Day, 11/16 as early as 7 AM 


Race Day Parking: Available on neighboring streets


**Inclement Weather Plan (Rain Date 11/23/24)**

  • In the case of light rain, the race will go forward on 11/16/24 as scheduled.
  • In the case of heavy rain/lightening/dangerous course conditions, all events will take place on the rain date of 11/23/24. Should this be necessary, the move to the rain date will be communicated on the race page no later than 6AM on 11/16/24, and, if possible, by email. Refunds will be provided upon request. 

Cold Weather

Our race is scheduled in New Jersey in mid-November.  Cold weather, snow, ice, and freezing wind chills could be a part of the race day weather. Please prepare for these conditions. 
  • Dress warmly!
  • Clothing should provide an internal layer that allows evaporation of sweat with minimal absorption, a middle layer that provides insulation, and a removable external layer that is wind and water resistant and allows for evaporation of moisture.
  • Toes, fingers, ears, and skin should be protected the most. 


Thank you for your support and Go CKRS Knights!!

Price starting at:
