Chili Hilly 5K Run/Walk
Sub-events Details
Chili Hilly 5K
RACE DAY REGISTRATION: Starts 8:30 AM at the CTK parking lot (corner of Palisade Ave & Roberts Ave)
REGISTRATION FEE: $35 Race Day $30 Pre-registered. Over 70 and Active Military Free.(register in person on Thurs Oct 17 or race day)
PRE-REGISTRATION: NUGENTS PUB-782 Palisade Ave on Thursday OCT 17th from 4-8pm.
ONLINE REGSTRATION: - after Thursday pickup online registrants will be subject to first come first serve on shirt sizes race day
RACE SHIRTS: Guaranteed to the first 400 registrants
POST RACE: CHILI and refreshments served at post race party in Kinsley Park. KID friendly!!