5K For Unity @ Divine Barrel Brewing

5K For Unity @ Divine Barrel Brewing

Charlotte, NC
Jul 17, 2022

Sub-events Details

5K For Unity-Virtual (Walk/Run)

Jul 17, 2022 (Sun)
1:00 AM

5K for Unity Walk/Run (Live)

Jul 17, 2022 (Sun)
7:00 AM
in person

Event details

Mark your calendars for the 5K for Unity on Saturday July 17, 2021 11am at Divine Barrel Brewing in Charlotte, North Carolina. Divine Barrel is one of five breweries in North Carolina hosting the 5K for Unity with Together We Stand NC. Together We Stand NC has designated July 17th as a day of conversation and contemplation at your local brewery.  Our local breweries are a safe space for all races and sexual orientations.  Come for a social run and stay for the conversation (and of course delicious beer).

We are running very low on event shirt sizes.  At this time, if you register for the 5K for Unity, your shirts will be available for pick up in 2 weeks from the brewery you are registered with.  You can still participate in the 5K for Unity including the run/walk and conversations on the 17th.


We will email you when your shirts are available for pick up.  Thank you for your support of the 5K for Unity

Note: This is a social 5K run/walk.  There will be no timers, pace groups, or bibs.  The route will be designed by the brewery/run club.

Pick up the 2021 Together We Stand NC tee, the official shirt of the 5K for Unity.  The 2021 Together We Stand shirt is the 4th in a series of wearable “conversation starters”.  The front of the charcoal heather shirt features our iconic TWS Bull logo and the back features the phrase “Our Lives Begin to End the Day We Become Silent About Things That Matter” (Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.). This quote was chosen because we believe justice must matter to ALL of us in order for change to occur.  Each registered runner receives an event shirt (while supplies last).  The deadline for early registration (to be guaranteed a shirt) is Monday June 21, 2021.

A portion of registration fees will benefit NEIGHBORHOOD HOPE. For more information about NEIGHBORHOOD HOPE, click here.

Registration for the 5K for Unity opens Monday May 17th at 5am   For more information about the 5K for Unity and Together We Stand NC, visit www.togetherwestandnc.com or follow us on social media @togetherwestandnc