406 Kid's Dash n' Pedal
Sub-events Details
Mini Dash n' Pedal Ages 3-5
Dash n' Pedal Ages 5-10
Kid's Dash 'N Pedal is back! We love to see kids active! This is a super fun closed course event to is open to all kids ages 3-10. So pump up those tires and lace up your running shoes.... we can't wait to see you!
All participants receive a shirt, post race treats and a finishers medal.
Packet Pick-Up
When: June 22 (Race Day)
Time: 11:15am - 12:00pm
Where: Shiloh Conservation Area 1132 Shiloh Rd. Billings, MT
RACE START: 12:00pm
We will start racers in waves of 3-4 according ability.
Mini Dash 'n Pedal - Ages 3-5
Run 1/4 mile. | Bike 1/2 mile.
Bring their trike, bike with trainers or full on 2 wheeler! We will separate kids based on their ability and start them in waves. Parents are allowed to walk/fun along if they wish. HELMETS ARE REQUIRED!
Dash 'n Pedal - Ages 5-10
Run 1/4 mile | Bike 1 mile, |Run 1/4 mile
Bring their bike with trainers or full on 2 wheeler! We will separate kids based on their ability and start them in waves. Parents are allowed to walk/fun along... if you can keep up! Ha! HELMETS ARE REQUIRED!