2024 Spirit of Spring Tolland Road Race
Sub-events Details
For 50 years, the Spirit of Spring Road Race has welcomed runners to compete in one of the first races of the running season. This is the 16th year the race has been shortened to a NEW certified 5k course starting and ending at the Tolland High School. Please click HERE for course map!
Through the Spirit of Spring Road Race and Kim’s Fun Run, it is hoped that friends, family, local business employees, and folks just wanting to celebrate life and the coming of springtime, will come together to enjoy the feeling of good will that the day represents.
Kim's 1-Mile Fun Run: The year 2002 marked the first time the Spirit of Spring Race shared the road with a slightly slower-paced crowd. Grandmothers, toddlers, and couch potatoes all joined in to commemorate the life of a dear friend. Following a fatal accident on October 28th, 2001, Kim's friends and colleagues decided to hold a special event in conjunction with the Spirit of Spring Road Race so that everyone could come together to remember Kim's contributions to her community. Kim was an active participant in the Spirit of Spring Road Race and an inspiration to everyone she knew from the standpoint of staying healthy in mind and body. In October 2001 she had accomplished her personal goal of completing the Hartford half-marathon and she had dreamed of taking that accomplishment a step further in the years ahead.
Kim's 1-Mile Fun Run was started as a fun run mostly for kids. This year will be the second year that Kim's 1-Mile will be officially timed and scored. The start and finish line will be on the High School grounds.
Awards will be given to the overall top Male and overall top Female, and to the top 3 Males and top 3 Females for each age category for both the 5K and the 1-Mile. Age groups are as follows: 10 and under, 11-14, 15-18, 19-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 & 70+.
Walkers are welcome!