14th Annual Twelve Days of Christmas (in July) Races
Sub-events Details
The 12th Annual Twelve Days of Christmas (in July) Races - Partridge in a Pear Tree 1 Mile
The 12th Annual Twelve Days of Christmas (in July) Races - Lords a Leaping 10K
The 12th Annual Twelve Days of Christmas (in July) Races - Ladies Dancing 9K
The 12th Annual Twelve Days of Christmas (in July) Races - Golden Rings 5K
The 13th Annual Twelve Days of Christmas (in July) Races - Maids of Milking 8K
The 12th Annual Twelve Days of Christmas (in July) Races - Calling Birds 4K
The 12th Annual Twelve Days of Christmas (in July) Races - French Hens 3.22K
The 12th Annual Twelve Days of Christmas (in July) Races - Turtle Doves 2K
The 12th Annual Twelve Days of Christmas (in July) Races - Piper Piping 11K
The 12th Annual Twelve Days of Christmas (in July) Races - Swans a Swimming 7K
The 12th Annual Twelve Days of Christmas (in July) Races - Geese a Laying 6K
The 12th Annual Twelve Days of Christmas (in July) Races - Drummers Drumming 12K
Overall Awards to be presented at the 12K at Camp Dublin on July 27.
A special edition T-shirt provided to each pre-registered runner for 3 or more races.
Races $14 Each Family Rate for all 12 races available for families of 4 or more. Contact Keel or Ryles. $20 Race Day Registration Fee for races in person.
Submit “On Your Own” times on Run Sign Up by the end of the day of the event.
Overall, Master, Grand Master, Senior Grand Master, & Youth awards for the individuals with the lowest cumulative time for all 12 races.